It is an independent studio specialized in the development of brands, packaging, and names for professionals and companies of various sizes and business sectors.

the r11 design studio

The R11 Design studio

Its main attributes are empathy, creativity, and the strategic vision of design, which, combined with multidisciplinary knowledge gained from other backgrounds and past project experiences, results in highly personalized deliveries aligned with the real needs of clients.

R11 is based in Brazil but has already surpassed some international boundaries as well. This is part of an almost 7-year journey in the design universe.

Listed by DesignRush

In the quest to generate value through design, the studio evolves day by day. It seeks to understand more about people, design, and business; create connections between brands, the audience, and the market to structure projects in the best way possible; and transform stories, goals, and businesses into concrete and unique brands.

Understand, Create & Transform.

For businesses that are starting or need a revitalization, the studio provides services in logo design or redesign and visual identities, always aligning business strategies with design strategies.


The studio helps you with...



Just like the visual expression of a brand needs to be strategic, the packaging of its products also requires the same approach. That's why the studio observes the market, the product, and its relationship with consumers to create packaging that connects the brand, product, and consumer.

Creating names can sometimes be straightforward, but with the increasing competitiveness and the birth of thousands of brands each year, it can become a complex task. The studio develops names that aim to differentiate and ensure exclusivity of use in the segment, with strategic and impactful names.